(My objective in this article is not to go into the philosophy of science but take a simplistic view for a lay audience)
What is science?
- a method of systematic thinking, and creating new and improved understanding, a method of pursuing knowledge?
- a body of systematically accumulated knowledge?
- a community of people ?
- all of the above?
Characteristics of scientific pursuits and scientists:
- Curiosity to explore, understand and explain
- Desire to add to the body of scientific knowledge
- Accurate, truthful and unbiased descriptions, statement of facts; measured words
- Continuously improving and changing theories and models. All theories need to be testable.
- No authority. Nothing is sacred
- Enjoyment of the process of science, and not merely focusing on the end point
- Desire to strengthen and enrich the community of scientists (teaching, research training, conferences etc)
- “Immortality” via far reaching contributions to human understanding